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Τακτικά Εξωτερικά Ιατρεία
Απογευματινά Ιατρεία

Ωτορυνολαρυγγολογική Κλινική

Η κλινική βρίσκεται στον πέμπτο όροφο της νέας πτέρυγας του Νοσοκομείου.

Ιατρικό Προσωπικό

Κουκούτσης Γεώργιος



Παπαλιάκος Ευστάθιος




Χριστόπουλος Γεώργιος

Επιμελητής Β’


Παπίτση Ισιδώρα



Ζαβράς Παναγιώτης



Ακοολογικό – Νευροωτολογικό Ιατρείο
  • Τονική και φωνητική ακοομετρία
  • Ακοομετρία υπερυψηλών συχνοτήτων
  • Εξειδικευμένες ακοολογικές δοκιμασίες
  • Μετρήσεις ακουστικής αντιστάσεως
    • Τυμπανογραφία
    • Ακουστικά αντανακλαστικά
    • Τυμπανομετρία πολλαπλών συχνοτήτων
  • Ακουστικά προκλητά δυναμικά του εγκεφαλικού στελέχους
  • Ηλεκτρονυσταγμογραφία (έλεγχος οπισθίου λαβυρίνθου δια ταλαντουμένου εδράνου ΗΝΓματος και ψυχροθερμού διακλυσμού) – Βιντεονυσταγμογραφία
    • Ωτοακουστικές εκπομπές
    • Παροδικά προκλητές
    • Προϊόντα παραμόρφωσης
    • Αυτόματες

Εργαστηριακές Δραστηριότητες

Χειρουργικές Δραστηριότητες

  • Εγχειρήσεις κεφαλής και τραχήλου
  • Παιδοχειρουργικές ΩΡΛ επεμβάσεις
  • Ωτοχειρουργικές επεμβάσεις
  • Ενδοσκοπικές επεμβάσεις ρινός και παραρρινίων (FESS)

ΩΡΛ Αλλεργιολογικό Ιατρείο

  • Αλλεργιολογικός έλεγχος (μέσω ειδικών δερμοαντιδράσεων και αιματολογικών εξετάσεων) και
  • ανοσοθεραπεία
  • Ρινομανομετρία
    • Πρόσθια ρινομανομετρία
    • Οπίσθια ρινομανομετρία
    • Ακουστική ρινομανομετρία


Η Κλινική παρέχει πλήρη ειδικότητα Ωτορινο­λαρυγγολογίας σε 7 ειδικευομένους ιατρούς, οι οποίοι αποκτούν μεγάλη κλινική και χειρουργική εμπειρία, λόγω της ποικιλίας των εκτελουμένων χειρουργικών επεμβάσεων, του μεγάλου αριθμού των περιστατικών που αντιμετωπίζονται στα Εξωτερικά Ιατρεία και του ολοκληρωμένου εργαστηριακού και κλινικού ελέγχου που διεξάγεται στα ειδικά τμήματα της Κλινικής.
Κατ’ έτος διεξάγεται εκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα τόσον από τους ειδικευμένους ιατρούς της Κλινικής, όσον και από ωτορινολαρυγγολόγους της Πανεπιστημιακής Κλινικής, αλλά και άλλων Νοσοκομείων. Παράλληλο εκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα διεξάγεται και στο Ακοολογικό Τμήμα, σε θεωρητικό και σε πρακτικό επίπεδο.
Πολλοί ιατροί της Κλινικής έχουν κατά τα τελευταία έτη εκπονήσει διδακτορική διατριβή. Επίσης, ειδικευμένοι ιατροί της Κλινικής διδάσκουν στη Μέση Τεχνική & Επαγγελματική Νοσηλευτική Σχολή του Τζανείου, ενώ πολλοί συμμετέχουν και σε εξωκλινικές εκπαιδευτικές δραστηριότητες (εκπαιδευτικά προγράμματα Πανεπιστημιακών Κλινικών ή άλλων κλινικών του ΕΣΥ, σεμινάρια, διαλέξεις, κλπ.).

Επιστημονική Έρευνα

  • Ωτοακουστικές εκπομπές και υποθυρεοειδισμός
  • Αντιμετώπιση οξείας κώφωσης και προγνωστικοί παράμετροι
  • Υπερυψηλές συχνότητες σε σακχαρώδη διαβήτη
  • Η μακροχρόνια επίδραση του θορύβου στις ωταοκουστικές εκπομπές
  • Υπερυψηλές συχνότητες επί λήψης χημειοθεραπευτικών
  • Μελέτη του Δείκτη Προσήλωσης στην Βιντεονυσταγμογραφία
  • Αιθουσαία συμπτώματα σε άτομα με κοχλιακά εμφυτεύματα

Δημοσιεύσεις σε διεθνή ιατρικά περιοδικά

  1. Korres S, Balatsouras D, Economou C, Ferekidis E, Kandiloros D, Adamopoulos G. Effect of the number of averaged responses in transient evoked otoacoustic emissions on the results of neonatal hearing screening. Audiology 2000; 39:293-299.
  2. Balatsouras D, Kloutsos G, Protopapas D, Korres S, Economou C. Submasseteric abscess. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology 2001; 115:68-70.
  3. Kloutsos G, Balatsouras D, Kaberos A, Kandiloros D, Ferekidis E, Economou C. Upper airway edema resulting from use of Ecballium Elaterium. Laryngoscope 2001; 111:1652-1655.
  4. Korres S, Balatsouras D, Zournas S, Economou C, Gatsonis S, Adamopoulos G. Periodic alternating nystagmus associated with Arnold-Chiari malformation. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology 2001; 115:1001-1004.
  5. Kaberos A, Balatsouras D, Korres S, Kandiloros D, Economou C. Αudiological assessment in Ramsay Hunt syndrome. Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology 2002; 111:68-76.
  6. Balatsouras D, Kaberos A, Nikitiadis E, Kloutsos G, Diamantopoulos C, Economou C. Sjogren’s syndrome involving the hypopharynx. The Journal of Otolaryngology 2002; 31:239-243.
  7. Balatsouras D, Eliopoulos P, Kaberos A, Economou C. Rhinolithiasis: An unusual cause of nasal obstruction. Rhinology 2002; 40:162-164.
  8. Korres S, Balatsouras D, Manta P, Yiotakis I, Economou C, Adamopoulos G. Cochlear dysfunction in patients with mitochondrial myopathy. ORL – Journal for Otorhinolaryngology and Its Related Specialities 2002; 64:315-320.
  9. Korres S, Balatsouras D, Kaberos A, Kandiloros D, Economou C, Ferekidis E. Occurrence of semicircular canal involvement in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Otology-Neurotology 2002; 23:926-932.
  10. Balatsouras D, Kaberos A, Korres S, Kandiloros D, Ferekidis E, Economou C. Internet resources available to otolaryngologists. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 2002; 111:1139-1143.
  11. Balatsouras D, Kaberos A, Korres S, Economou C, Assimakopoulos D. Rhinology resources on the Internet. Rhinology 2002; 40:229-234.
  12. Balatsouras D, Korres S, Kandiloros D, Ferekidis E, Economou C. Newborn hearing screening resources on the Internet. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 2003; 67:333-340.
  13. Balatsouras D, Korres S, Simaskos N, Kandiloros D, Ferekidis E, Economou C. Otoacoustic emissions in patients with hypotension. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology 2003; 117:265-269.
  14. Balatsouras D, Korres S, Ferekidis E. Primary nasal tuberculosis. Oto-Rhino-Laryngologia Nova 2003; 12:153-155.
  15. Korres S, Nikolopoulos T, Ferekidis E, Gotzamanoglou Z, Georgiou A, Balatsouras DG. Otoacoustic emissions in universal hearing screening: which day after birth should we examine the newborns. ORL – Journal for Otorhinolaryngology and Its Related Specialities 2003;65:199-201.
  16. Gatzonis SD, Korres S, Balatsouras DG, Stabulis E, Georgakulias N, Singunas E, Siafakas A, Sakas D. Influence of vagus nerve stimulation on vestibulo-ocular reflex. ORL – Journal for Otorhinolaryngology and Its Related Specialities 2003; 65:223-225.
  17. Balatsouras DG, Kaberos A, Korres S, Kandiloros D, Ferekidis E, Economou C. Detection of pseudohypacusis: a prospective, randomized study of the use of otoacoustic emissions. Ear and Hearing 2003; 24:518-527.
  18. Korres S, Balatsouras D, Ferekidis E, Gkoritsa E, Georgiou A, Nikolopoulos T. The effect of different ‘pass-fail’ criteria on the results of a newborn hearing screening program. ORL – Journal for Otorhinolaryngology and Its Related Specialities 2003; 65:250-253.
  19. Balatsouras D, Kaberos A, Karapantzos E, Homsioglou E, Economou NC, Korres S. Correlation of transiently evoked otoacoustic emission measures to auditory thresholds. Medical Science Monitor 2004; 10:MT24-30.
  20. Korres S, Balatsouras D, Ferekidis E. Electronystagmographic findings in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 2004; 113:253-258.
  21. Balatsouras D. The evaluation of noise-induced hearing loss with distortion product otoacoustic emissions. Medical Science Monitor 2004; 10:CR218-222.
  22. Korres S, Balatsouras D, Kanellos P, Georgiou A, Kokmotou V, Ferekidis E. Decreasing test time in newborn hearing screening. Clinical Otolaryngology 2004; 29:219–225.
  23. Balatsouras D, Eliopoulos P, Kaberos A. Lingual abscess: Diagnosis and treatment. Head and Neck 2004; 26:550-554.
  24. Eliopoulos P, Balatsouras D. Extensive laryngeal burn resulting from aspiration of gastric contents. Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery 2004; 131:143-144.
  25. Korres S, Balatsouras D. Diagnostic, pathophysiologic and therapeutic aspects of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery 2004; 131:438-444.
  26. Balatsouras D, Kaberos A, Korres S, Economou NC, Assimakopoulos A. Rhinology resources on the internet: a critical review. Rhinology 2004; 42:158-163.
  27. Balatsouras D, Kaberos A, Psaltakos V, Papaliakos E, Economou C. Bruxism: two case reports (Bruxismo: descrizione di due casi). Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Italica 2004; 24:165-170.
  28. Kaberos A, Balatsouras D, Leontiadis A, Kandiloros D, Vasilakaki T, Economou N. Fibromatosis presenting as acute mastoiditis. Ear Nose Throat 2005; 84: 94-96.
  29. Rallis E, Balatsouras DG, Kouskoukis C, Verros C, Homsioglou E. Drug eruptions in children with ENT infections. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 2006; 70: 53-57.
  30. Balatsouras DG, Kaberos A, Kloutsos G, Economou NC, Sakellariadis V, Fassolis A, Korres SG. Correlation of transiently evoked to distortion-product otoacoustic emission measures in healthy children. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 2006; 70: 89-93.
  31. Korres SG, Balatsouras DG, Nikolopoulos T, Korres GS, Ferekidis E. Making universal newborn hearing screening a success. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 2006; 70: 241-246.
  32. Diamantopoulos C, Delliou E, Kapranou A, Balatsouras D, Elemenoglou I. Collagenous spherulosis in epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma of the submandibular gland: histological and immunohistochemical study of a case. Journal of Otolaryngology 2005; 34: 265-266.
  33. Rallis E, Balatsouras D, Homsioglou E, Karapantzos I, Danielidis V. Lobular capillary hemangioma of the nasal cavity. Journal of Otolaryngology 2005; 34: 194-195.
  34. Balatsouras DG, Homsioglou E, Danielidis V. Extended high-frequency audiometry in patients with acoustic trauma. Clinical Otolaryngology 2005; 30: 249-254.
  35. Korres SG, Balatsouras DG, Nikolopoulos T, Korres GS, Economou NC, Ferekidis E. The effect of the number of averaged responses on the measurement of transiently evoked otoacoustic emissions in newborns. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 2006; 70: 429-433.
  36. Balatsouras DG, Tsimpiris N, Korres S, Karapantzos I, Papadimitriou N, Danielidis V. The effect of impulse noise on distortion product otoacoustic emissions. International Journal of Audiology 2005; 44: 540-549.
  37. Korres S, Balatsouras DG, Vlachou S, Kastanioudakis IG, Ziavra NV, Ferekidis E. Overcoming difficulties in implementing a universal newborn hearing screening program. Turkish Journal of Pediatrics 2005; 47: 203-212.
  38. Korres S, Nikolopoulos TP, Komkotou V, Balatsouras D, Kandiloros D, Constantinou D, Ferekidis E. Newborn hearing screening: effectiveness, importance of high-risk factors, and characteristics of infants in the neonatal intensive care unit and well-baby nursery. Otology & Neurotology 2005; 26:1186-1190.
  39. Korres SG, Balatsouras DG, Gkoritsa E, Eliopoulos P, Rallis E, Ferekidis E. Success rate of newborn and follow-up screening of hearing using otoacoustic emissions. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 2006; 70: 1039-1043.
  40. Korres S, Gkoritsa E, Balatsouras D, Nikolopoulos T, Xenellis I, Ferekidis E. Newborns with very low birth weight: outcomes of transiently evoked otoacoustic emissions. Neonatal Intensive Care 2005; 18: 44-46.
  41. Davilis D, Korres SG, Balatsouras DG, Gkoritsa E, Stivaktakis G, Ferekidis E. The efficacy of transiently evoked otoacoustic emissions in the detection of middle-ear pathology. Medical Science Monitor 2005; 12: MT75-78.
  42. Korres S, Papouliakos S, Ferekidis E, Balatsouras D. Falling sensation after the Epley maneuver. Ear Nose Throat Journal 2005; 84: 803.
  43. Balatsouras DG, Korres S, Rallis E, Eliopoulos P, Ferekidis E. Twice-daily dosing of loracarbef 15 mg/kg versus 30 mg/kg in the treatment of children with acute sinusitis. Drugs under Experimental and Clinical Research 2005; 31 Suppl: 1-5.
  44. Balatsouras DG, Eliopoulos P, Rallis E, Sterpi P, Korres S, Ferekidis E. Improvement of otitis media with effusion after treatment of asthma with leukotriene antagonists in children with co-existing disease. Drugs under Experimental and Clinical Research 2005; 31 Suppl: 7-10.
  45. Korres S, Balatsouras DG, Ferekidis E. Prognosis of patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo treated with repositioning manoeuvres. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology 2006; 120: 528-533.
  46. Korres SG, Balatsouras DG, Lyra C, Kandiloros D, Ferekidis E. A comparison of automated auditory brainstem responses and transiently evoked otoacoustic emissions for universal newborn hearing screening. Medical Science Monitor 2006; 12: CR260-263.
  47. Rallis E, Balatsouras DG, Papadakis P, Economou NC, Kaberos A, Korres S. Urbach-Wiethe disease. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Extra 2006; 1: 1-4.
  48. Balatsouras DG, Dimitropoulos P, Fassolis A, Kloutsos G, Economou NC, Korres S, Kaberos A. Bilateral spontaneous hemotympanum: Case report. Head & Face Medicine 2006; 2: 31.
  49. Kantas I, Balatsouras DG, Vafiadis M, Apostolidou MT, Pournaras A, Danielidis V. The use of trichloroacetic acid in the treatment of acute external otitis. European Archives of Otorhinolaryngology 2007; 264: 9-14.
  50. Georgopoulos S, Korres S, Riga M, Kouvidou C, Balatsouras D, Ferekidis E. Hydatid cyst in the duct of the submandibular gland. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2007; 36: 177-179.
  51. Balatsouras DG, Korres S, Manta P, Panousopoulou A, Vassilopoulos D. Cochlear function in facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy. Otology-Neurotology 2007; 28: 7-10.
  52. Katotomichelakis M, Balatsouras D, Tripsianis G, Tsaroucha A, Homsioglou E, Danielides V. Normative values of olfactory function testing, using the ‘Sniffin’ Sticks’. Laryngoscope 2007; 117: 114-120.
  53. Balatsouras D, Kaberos A, Assimakopoulos D, Katotomichelakis M, Economou NC, Korres SG. Etiology of vertigo in children. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 2007; 71: 487-494.
  54. Homsioglou E, Balatsouras DG, Alexopoulos G, Kaberos A, Katotomichelakis M, Danielides V. Pneumatized superior turbinate as a cause of headache. Head & Face Medicine 2007; 3(1):3.
  55. Nimigean VR, Nimigean V, Măru N, Andressakis D, Balatsouras DG, Danielidis V. The maxillary sinus and its endodontic implications: clinical study and review. B-ENT 2006; 2: 167-175.
  56. Danielidis V, Tsimpiris N, Balatsouras DG, Polychronidis A, Perente S, Papadopoulos N, Ypsilantis P, Simopoulos C. Short-term pathophysiologic changes and histopathologic findings of the auditory pathway after closed head injury, using a rabbit model. Audiology Neurotology 2007; 12: 145-154.
  57. Balatsouras D, Rallis E, Homsioglou E, Simaskou M, Korres S. Ramsay Hunt syndrome in a 3-month infant. Pediatric Dermatology 2007; 24: 34-37.
  58. Korres S, Riga M, Balatsouras D, Papadakis C, Kanellos P, Ferekidis E. Influence of smoking on developing cochlea. Does smoking during pregnancy affect the amplitudes of transient evoked otoacoustic emissions in newborns? International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 2007; 71: 781-786.
  59. Kantas IV, Papadakis CE, Balatsouras DG, Vafiadis M, Korres SG, Panagiotakopoulou A, Danielidis V. Functional tension nose as a cause of nasal airway obstruction. Auris Nasus Larynx 2007; 34: 313-317.
  60. Korres SG, Balatsouras DG, Gkoritsa E, Kandiloros D, Korres GS, Ferekidis E. The effect of very low birth weight on transiently evoked otoacoustic emissions. B-ENT 2007; 3: 15-20.
  61. Georgopoulos S, Korres S, Riga M, Balatsouras D, Kotsis G, Ferekidis E. Lemierre’s syndrome associated with consumption coagulopathy and acute renal failure: a case report. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology 2008; 122: 527-530.
  62. Korres SG, Balatsouras DG, Papouliakos S, Ferekidis E. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and its management. Medical Science Monitor 2007; 13: CR275-82.
  63. Balatsouras DG, Eliopoulos P, Assimakopoulos D, Korres S. Primary local amyloidosis of the palate. Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery 2007; 137: 348-349.
  64. Balatsouras DG, Kaberos A, Korres S, Leontiadis A, Kandiloros D. Infectious causes of bilateral facial nerve palsy. Journal of Otolaryngology 2007; 36: E42-44.
  65. Katotomichelakis M, Balatsouras D, Tripsianis G, Davris S, Maroudias N, Danielides V, Simopoulos C. The effect of smoking on the olfactory function. Rhinology 2007; 45: 273-280.
  66. Detorakis ET, Chrysochoou F, Paliobei V, Konstas AG, Daniilidis V, Balatsouras D, Kefalidis G, Kozobolis VP. Evaluation of the acoustic function in pseudoexfoliation syndrome and exfoliation glaucoma: Audiometric and tympanometric findings. European Journal of Ophthalmology 2008; 18: 71-76.
  67. Korres S, Papadakis CE, Riga MG, Balatsouras DG, Dikeos DG, Soldatos CR. Sleep position and laterality of benign paroxysmal positionl vertigo. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology 2008; 122: 1295-1298.
  68. Korres S, Nikolopoulos TP, Peraki EE, Tsiakou M, Karakitsou M, Apostolopoulos N, Economides J, Balatsouras D, Ferekidis E. Outcomes and efficacy of newborn hearing screening: strengths and weaknesses (success or failure?). Laryngoscope 2008; 118: 1253-1256.
  69. Korres S, Riga M, Balatsouras D, Sandris V. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo of the anterior semicircular canal: Atypical clinical findings and possible underlying mechanisms. International Journal of Audiology 2008; 47: 276-282.
  70. Aspris AK, Thodi CD, Balatsouras DG, Thodis ED, Vargemezis V, Danielides V. Auditory brainstem responses in patients under treatment of hemodialysis. Renal Failure 2008; 30: 383-390.
  71. Kantas I, Balatsouras DG, Kamargianis N, Katotomichelakis M, Riga M, Danielides V. The influence of laryngopharyngeal reflux in the healing of laryngeal trauma. European Archives of Otorhinolaryngology 2009; 266: 253-259.
  72. Katotomichelakis M, Balatsouras DG, Bassioukas K, Kontogiannis N, Simopoulos K, Danielides V. Recurrent prurigo nodularis related to infected tonsils: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2008; 2: 243.
  73. Korres GS, Balatsouras DG, Tzagaroulakis A, Kandiloros D, Ferekidis E. Extended high-frequency audiometry in subjects exposed to occupational noise. B-ENT 2008; 4: 147-155.
  74. Kantas I, Balatsouras DG, Papadakis CE, Marangos N, Korres SG, Danielides V. Aesthetic reconstruction of a crooked nose via extracorporeal septoplasty. Journal of Otolayngology 2008; 37: 154-159.
  75. Kantas I, Balatsouras DG, Vafiadis M, Apostolidou MT, Korres S, Danielidis V. Management of inner nasal valve insufficiency. Journal of Otolaryngology 2008; 37: 212-218.
  76. Kaberos A, Balatsouras D, Leontiadis A, Economou NC, Kloutsos G, Kandiloros D. Deep neck abscess of the parapharyngeal space complicating acute maxillary sinusitis. Journal of Otolaryngology 2008; 37: 00-00.
  77. Gindros G, Kantas I, Balatsouras DG, Kandiloros D, Manthos AK, Kiadoglou A. Mucosal changes in chronic hypertrophic rhinitis after surgical turbinate reduction. European Archives of Otorhinolaryngology 2009; 266: 1409-1416.
  78. Danielides V, Katotomichelakis M, Balatsouras D, Riga M, Tripsianis G, Simopoulou M, Nikolettos N. Improvement of Olfaction After Endoscopic Sinus Surgery in Smokers and Non-Smokers. Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology 2009; 118: 13-20.
  79. Balatsouras DG, Kaberos A, Kantas I, Mourtzouhos C, Korres SG, Kandiloros D. Rhinology resources on the Internet: an update. Rhinology 2009; 47: 93-101.
  80. Korres GS, Balatsouras DG, Tzagaroulakis A, Kandiloros D, Ferekidou E, Korres S. Distortion product otoacoustic emissions in an industrial setting. Noise Health 2009; 11: 103-110.
  81. Danielides V, Katotomichelakis M, Balatsouras D, Riga M, Simopoulou M, Kantas E, Nikolettos N. Evaluation of prognostic factors for olfaction in nasal polyposis treated by Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. Rhinology 2009; 47: 172-180.
  82. Korres SG, Balatsouras DG, Lyra CP, Korres GS, Kantas I, Papadakis CE. Hearing evaluation in newborns with congenital aural malformation. B-ENT 2009; 5:79-82.
  83. Gindros G, Kantas I, Balatsouras DG, Kaidoglou A, Kandiloros D. Comparison of ultrasound turbinate reduction, radiofrequency tissue ablation and submucosal cauterization in inferior turbinate hypertrophy. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2010; 267: 1727-1733.
  84. Kantas I, Papadopoulou A, Balatsouras DG, Aspris A, Marangos N. Therapeutic approach to Gradenigo’s syndrome: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2010; 4:151.
  85. Riga M, Korres G, Balatsouras D, Korres S. Screening protocols for the prevention of occupational noise-induced hearing loss: the role of conventional and extended high frequency audiometry may vary according to the years of employment. Medical Science Monitor 2010; 16: CR352-356.
  86. Korres S, Mountricha A, Balatsouras D, Maroudias N, Riga M, Xenelis I. Tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT): outcomes after one-year treatment. International Tinnitus Journal 2010; 16: 55-59.
  87. Balatsouras DG, Koukoutsis G, Ganelis P, Fassolis A, Korres G, Kaberos A. Study of allergic rhinitis in childhood. International Journal of Otolaryngology (in press).
  88. Balatsouras DG, Fassolis A, Koukoutsis G, Ganelis P, Kaberos A. Primary lymphangioma of the tonsil: a case report. Case Reports in Medicine (in press).
  89. Antonopoulos S, Balatsouras DG, Kanakaki S, Dona A, Spiliopoulou C, Giannoulis G. Sudden bilateral sensorineural hearing loss after alcohol abuse and heroin sniffing. Auris Nasus Larynx (in press).
  90. Balatsouras DG, Koukoutsis G, Ganelis P, Korres G, Kaberos A. Diagnosis of single- or multiple-canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, according to the type of nystagmus. International Journal of Otolaryngology (in press).

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